Take Ten to Write

“The Leviathan”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Music prompt: “Buccaneer Island” by Brand X Music

The wind howled as it ripped at the sails. The ship was thrown this way and that, as if it were just a leaf tumbling in the breeze. The ship’s occupants were mere ants, struggling to keep hold of something–anything–so that they wouldn’t be thrown off.

This sort of wind could only mean one of two things: either an electrical storm was brewing or a Leviathan was nearby. Both were equally bad and would end in death for the entire crew. In short, there was no hope of survival.

But the captain of this particular vessel had had her share of near-death experiences. She was no stranger to grasping the hand of life and holding on for dear life. In fact, she enjoyed those experiences the most. That was why she had steered her ship directly into the turbulent wind rather than around it.

The sails began ripping, the horrific tearing noise echoing through the air. Panic began to set in as the crew realized what was about to happen.

It was always the same with a Leviathan. First, it would destroy the sails, abruptly stopping the ship in its tracks. Next, it would encircle the ship with its long, scaly body and fold its wings over the deck, destroying any hope of escape. And finally, it would engulf the ship whole, crew and all.

Of course, this was all from speculation. No one had ever met a Leviathan and lived to tell the tale.

And yet, the captain stayed on course, steadying the ship as its remaining sail was torn from the mast.

“Swords!” she cried, drawing her own blade and waving it in the air.

Half the crew obeyed, waving their swords for her to command. The other half had already abandoned ship. The captain didn’t care; in her mind, those who chose not to fight had just as much honour as those who chose to stay.

The wind picked up. A few members of the remaining crew were knocked overboard as a giant serpent rose from the dark grey clouds. Its mouth opened in a screech, deafening the crew.

Final Comments: I really want to write a pirate story now…

Overall Rating: 😅

Let me know your thoughts!