“The Job Pt. 3”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Additional Note: While this story can be read by itself, it is a continuation of yesterday’s Take Ten to Write story. Therefore, it would be beneficial to read The Job and The Job Pt. 2 first.

“What do you want?” she snapped at the screen.
Her boss narrowed his eyes at her tone but didn’t comment. Instead, he stated, “The delivery.”
“What about it?”
“What’s your status?”
“Alive,” she said, resisting the temptation to roll her eyes. “Thanks for asking.”
He scowled. “The delivery,” he repeated, his impatience apparent.
“On schedule,” she said with a slight sigh. “It’s under control.”
His eyes narrowed. “I’m afraid that your understanding of ‘under control’ is quite different from mine.” He paused before adding, “After Cardovia–“
“Cardovia was a miscommunication,” she cut him off. She knew where the conversation was going, and she wasn’t about to get into it just then. “Listen, I’ll contact you when the delivery is finished.” She hesitated for a moment before muttering, “I just need to make a quick detour first.”
His eyebrows shot up. “So it will be like Cardovia all over again.”
“No, of course it won’t be,” she snapped. “I just need to stop back home for a bit. Some… family business.”
It wasn’t exactly a lie, but her eyes couldn’t resist flickering toward the little brown box on the seat next to her.
“Fine,” her boss scowled. “Just make it quick. This client isn’t known for his patience, nor his lenience.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’ve got it, trust me.”
“You’d better,” he growled, fixing her in a cold glare before hanging up.
She let out a sigh as she prepared to take off. Her coordinates were already set in for Noriv. Home. Land of the pink flowers and pretty girls and innocence.
She couldn’t wait to go home to all the things she wasn’t.
Final Comments: I really didn’t intend for this story to go on for so long, but the prompts just seem to work really well. (Yes, even though the prompt was stuck in at the very end, I had the idea for how I wanted to use it when I first started.)
Overall Rating: 🙂

“The Job Pt. 2”

“Ye Scabby Sea Bass!”
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