Take Ten to Write

“The Flowers Were Yellow”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: “Someone is found dead in your apartment. The flowers are yellow. Whodunit?” — suggested by E. L. Stew

The first thing that I notice are the flowers. The flowers are yellow. At least, they were once bright yellow, but now they’ve rotted away to a dark brown.

The flowers had been a gift from my best friend after I had been in the hospital with a concussion from a crash on the highway.

I’m not sure why they were the first thing that I noticed.

But that’s what it was: the yellow flowers.

Next I noticed the window.

There was an almost-perfect cutout of a person straight through the middle of my window. Honestly, it looked almost like it had come straight out of a comic strip. Like when someone went flying through a window and there was a perfect replica of the person in the window, hair and all. Yeah, it looked exactly like that, minus the individual strands of hair.

Then again, someone couldn’t have jumped through my window, seeing as I was twenty floors above the ground. Okay, so it was possible that, like, a secret agent or someone had used some sort of cool technological thing to jump through my window. Maybe they just came through the wrong window. They probably meant to fly into creepy Tristan’s window next door to finally arrest him for whatever suspicious activities he goes out to do at night.

Everything else in my apartment seemed completely normal otherwise. Everything was in its proper place—even my super-expensive lamp was still there!

Oh yeah, but there was also a dead body on my floor.

I don’t think that it was supposed to be there.

Final Comments: I’ll just come out and say it: this one was a mess. The verb tenses were all over the place and the plot wasn’t thought out at all. I’m a bit disappointed, because this was an awesome prompt (thanks again, Emilie!), so maybe I’ll redo this one later.

Overall Rating: 😓


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