the first step.
NOTE: This is a multi-part Take Ten to Write story. For the story to make the most sense, read all previous parts first. You can read the compiled story here.
Chapter I · Part XI
“Alright, here’s what you need to know,” Theo said, his voice twice the speed it usually was. “First of all, there are tons of Dimensions. Nate and I keep finding more of them, so we’re not actually sure how many there are in total.
“Secondly, not all of the Dimensions are friendly. You saw that firsthand, Bailey, when we first met.”
I nodded, a shiver running through me at the memory of the yorrowick.
“So,” Theo paused to give Blake a… weapon?
“What exactly am I supposed to do with this?” Blake scowled, waving the wrench he’d been handed back in Theo’s face.
“Hit stuff,” Theo said with a shrug. “Look, if you have something better then be my guest.”
I weighed the crowbar Nate had tossed to me in my hand. At least I had a bit of range with my makeshift hitting stick. More than Blake, anyway.
Before Blake could protest again, I asked, “Alright, what’s next?”
“Next, we Walk,” Theo said as if it was obvious.
“Yeah, but how?”
“You…” Theo trailed off with a frown. “You know what? I’m not actually sure how to describe it.” He turned to Nate. “How did you explain it to me again?”
I turned to Nate. “Wait, you were the first one to Walk?”
Nate nodded, a darkness passing in his eyes. “Yeah, I discovered the Dimensions first. Theo and I met about a year later.”
“So how did you teach him?”
Nate came to stand behind me. “Look straight in front of you and close your eyes.”
I took a trembling breath and followed his directions. “Okay, now what?”
“Picture a blank sheet of paper. Now let that image expand in your mind. Let the nothingness surround you completely.”
My senses seemed to dull as I did as he said. For a moment, the only thing I could hear was my own shaking breathing.
“Now,” Nate whispered into my ear, his hand slipping into mine, “step forward.”
the middle.
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Jezlyn Lang