Take Ten to Write

“The Fan Ultimatum”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: “Spinning fan.” — suggested by Lexi

I’ve had many arguments with my boyfriend before, but none of them have been as intense as the one about the fan in our bedroom.

I hate it. He loves it. He says it “makes him feel safe” whatever that means. I mean, how can pieces of metal spinning at high velocities over your head make you feel safe?!

Then again, I guess I’ve never felt unsafe under a ceiling fan. I just don’t understand why this fan is so important to him. I offered to buy an extra air conditioner for our bedroom, but no, he wants his fan.

I’ve almost gone so far as to give him an ultimatum: me or the fan. Almost. I didn’t ask him, because I’m honestly afraid of the answer.

Now that I think about it, maybe it’s time that we confront this problem. Maybe I should give him this ultimatum. I think that it’ll be really informative.

But then what happens if he chooses the fan? Technically, he moved in with me, so technically the fan also belongs to me. Would he agree to move out and find another place with an equally great fan? Or would we get into another argument that ends up with me handing over the fan to him and leaving a gaping hole both in the ceiling and in my heart?

The solution is simple: Just don’t ask him. Just keep your calm every time he brings up how awesome the fan is. Just deal with it.

But is that really a healthy relationship? Living a lie just to keep the man that’s almost-entirely perfect?

Ah, who knows. I guess I’ll sleep on this problem beneath our spinning safety fan tonight and decide tomorrow.

Final Comments: I didn’t really know what to write, so it just kind of turned into a weird rant…

Overall Rating: 😖

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