“The Edge of the World”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Write a story titled “The Edge of the World”.
The wind rushes past you, almost throwing you forward. You regain your footing, walking slowly but steadily. You can’t afford to make any mistakes; one wrong move and you’re done for.
Pebbles tumble down with each step you take. As they bounce, the sharp echo of them hitting the rocks pierces your ears before fading into the distance. Every noise seems so bright, so loud. But you can’t let these sounds distract you. You need every bit of concentration you can muster if you’re going to make it.
Another gust of wind buffets you. This time, you’re not so lucky. You lurch forward, the weight from your backpack throwing you off balance. Your heart jumps. You land hard on your chest. The air is knocked from your lungs. Your knees scrape against the sharp rocks. Your feet scramble for a foothold.
Your mind panics.
Your hand shoots out, your fingers clasping wildly for anything within reach.
You were so close. So close…
The tips of your fingers catch on something. A single, jagged point. You tighten your grip.
Your muscles scream. You scream.
Slowly, you pull yourself up. The rocks scratch your skin. Blood trickles from small cuts all over.
But it doesn’t matter. Because you made it.
You stand. The world beneath you opens.
You made it to the edge of the world.
Final Comments: Once I got into the rhythm of this, it was really fun to write.
Overall Rating: 😃

"For You... I Promise"
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