Take Ten to Write

“The Edge Of The Universe”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

I open my eyes.

I am in a strange world. Whales float through the air before me, tiny wings sprouting from their backs to keep them afloat. The clouds drift endlessly through the bright blue sky, simple wisps of white among the vast expanse of blue.

I reach out a hand. The air before me parts, ripples creating a chain reaction through the sky, gentle and pure.

A grin spreads across my face. I know what to do.

Slowly but surely, I take a single step forward. My foot lands on nothing but open air. Yet, I do not fall. The air holds me, cradles me gently, so that I stay upright.

Another step, then another. The waves spread before me, leading the way through the sky.

As I walk, the light begins to fade. The whales slowly disappear into the distance, their song growing fainter and fainter.

I walk aimlessly, allowing my feet to lead me wherever they wish to go.

My stride lengthens, grows lighter. Soon, my feet are dancing across the sky. The rest of my body follows, moving effortlessly, creating endless ripples.

Suddenly, I stop. I stand still in complete darkness.

The edge of the universe. I have arrived.

Final Comments: Music!! I know that flying whales and clouds and stuff are commonly used in fantasy, but I just couldn’t get the image out of my head when I listened to this piece.

Overall Rating: 😮

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