10/02/2021: Rewrites Day 33

Finished rewriting Chapter 5. Hoping to become more consistent (and faster) and rewriting…

29/01/2021: Rewrites Day 21

Haven’t updated this page in a while, but I have been slowly going through edits. I’m almost done Chapter 5 now, and will hopefully get a good chunk of Chapter 6 done tomorrow.

21/01/2021: Rewrites Day 13

Just happened to glance back at Chapter 1 and found a whole bunch of errors… Whoops…
Editing is taking a lot more time than I thought it would. Hoping it’ll go a bit faster after I’ve gotten through the first few, more problematic chapters.

17/01/2021: Rewrites Day 9

Continued Chapter 3 rewrites. Also stopped by Chapter 2 for a few more quick edits; hoping to stop thinking about it so much so that I can come back to it later with a fresh mind.

16/01/2021: Rewrites Day 8

I started Chapter 3 rewrites today. This one has a lot of telling instead of showing, so I’m trying to make it a bit more interesting.

14/01/2021: Rewrites Day 6

Today I finished Chapter 2 rewrites. I’m still unsure about the pacing and some of the little plot details, but I’ll get back to those on reread.
I also worked on the inside formatting a bit more as well as the book cover. I also need to work on my social media announcement; planning on posting that before the end of the month.

13/01/2021: Rewrites Day 5

I got my ISBNs today! Really excited that I got to finally see a preview of the print copy of my book.
Got through a good chunk of Chapter 2 today. Rewrites for this one are taking quite a while. I’m a bit worried that I’m going to end up losing the pacing in this chapter because I moved a part of Chapter 1 into Chapter 2, but I’ll see on reread how it feels. Hoping to finish up Chapter 2 tomorrow.

12/01/2021: Rewrites Day 4

Worked on my book formatting today. Everything is looking really good so far (IMO), and I’m really excited about it!
In terms of rewrites, I started Chapter 2. Haven’t gotten very far, because there’s still a few things I need to think about.

11/01/2021: Rewrites Day 3

Finished round 1 of rewrites for Chapter 1. Still not 100% confident in the wording and pacing of some parts, but I’ll come back to it on second read-through. I’ve also decided on some character traits and just general continuity stuff that I want to include in later chapters, so maybe I’ll skip ahead a bit and work on those before coming back to Chapter 2, because this one’s going to need a LOT of work.

10/01/2021: Rewrites Day 2

Continued with rewrites. Pretty stuck on the first few paragraphs of the first chapter… Maybe I’m overthinking it too much?! I don’t know, I think I’ll take a bit of time to think through the different versions before settling on the final one.

09/01/2021: Rewrites Day 1

Started doing some rewrites today along with more cover design work. It wasn’t a super productive today, but it’s a start.


Back to working on the book cover today. Been doing lots of research about self-publishing recently, but of course I need a finished manuscript before getting there. So I looked over the editing notes that I made from my full read-through. Rewrites are going to be tough….


Today is the first anniversary of The Dimensioners! According to my Google Docs history, I started outlining this book on December 24, 2019. I honestly can’t believe that it’s been a whole year already… I also think that it’s pretty cool to read that first outline and see how much has changed.
I’m currently aiming to finishing this one this year. Hopefully, it’ll be published before 2022!!


I finished the first read-through today! The iPad method was really useful, as it let me look at all my comments on one screen and find conflicts within even my comments.
I’m both looking forward to starting the rewrites and kind of scared–I don’t want to mess up the pacing of the overall story by adding more background information. Yup, it’s going to be fun!
I still haven’t gotten around to those character profiles… Tomorrow(?!?!)
I’m planning on starting some rewrites tomorrow and continuing my social medias teasers for The Dimensioners… Keep an eye out for some exciting stuff!


I managed to read up until the end of Chapter 15 today, so I’m feeling pretty good about my progress. I didn’t have a chance to start on those character profiles (tomorrow hopefully!!).
I’m actually really enjoying doing my read-through on the iPad. It’s super easy to make notes at specific parts and the app compiles all the notes into one place for me so it’ll be nice to have all my comments in one place.
Tomorrow I’m hoping to start with the character profiles and (fingers crossed) finish my first complete read-through! Both excited and scared about all the changes that need to be made…


I decided to make an update page for The Dimensioners! This page is mainly to help me keep track of my progress and I’ll be blanking out certain parts to avoid any spoilers.
For context, The Dimensioners is a stand-alone novel that I started writing on December 24, 2019. I finished the first draft on December 1, 2020 and have since been struggling to start editing.
Today, I started doing my first full read-through of The Dimensioners. I decided to convert my manuscript into EPUB format to be able to read it on my iPad rather than on my computer (I read that it’s good to do a read-through on a device/in a format other than what you wrote on).

There are already a few plot holes that I know of because I changed some major plot points while writing, but I think that those are the easier ones because I’m actually aware of them. I got up to about midway through Chapter 4, so progress has been slow so far. I’ve written a lot of notes though, so I’ll have a lot to work on for rewrites!
Tomorrow, I’m hoping to get another good chunk of the way through. One thing I’ve noticed is that I need to refine the voices/personalities of my two POV characters. I realized that I don’t even know basic stuff about them, such as their favourite colours! I’m going to make a character sheet for them (and probably my other characters) tomorrow.