Take Ten to Write

“The Commander of the Mists”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Music prompt: “Mares of the Night” by Glen Gabriel

The mist engulfed the clearing, swirling in intricate patterns like fingers grasping at the air.

A figure emerged, striding forward with both purpose and grace. It was not human, nor animal. The mist tumbled away from the figure to let it pass, bowing before it in a show of servitude.

The shadow owned the night.

As the figure strode forward, its became more visible. It wore a cloak fabricated of the silk of night, the hood drawn over its face to hide everything but its glowing red eyes. It wore nothing other than the cape, revealing its almost-transparent body. The figure blended with the mist, giving the impression that there was only a cape floating in the air above two red spheres.

But that assumption would be incorrect.

For the figure who wore the cloak was no one and everyone all at once. It was nothing and everything. Imaginary and real. Darkness and light.

Evil and goodness.

Those eyes saw all. They pierced the very souls of any who was so unfortunate to catch a glimpse of them.

Those eyes bore the answers to both eternal misery and eternal happiness.

All one had to do was dare to approach the Commander of the Mists.

Final Comments: I just can’t stress enough how incredible these music prompts are. You might not know this, but I never actually listen to the music before I sit down to write, so it’s always a surprise to me too when I listen to it for the first time. This one definitely gave me some creepy vibes, and I hope that I was able to translate that same feeling into my writing today.

Overall Rating: 😈

Let me know your thoughts!