Take Ten to Write

“The Chocolate Milkery”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: Chocolate milk cows.” — suggested by BLu

“And over here, we have our famous chocolate milk cows.”

The kids stand on their toes to peer out the window to get a better look at these mysterious creatures. This is the first time that the chocolate milk cows are on display to the public, and even though they look exactly like normal cows, everyone thinks that they’re the most magical beings on the planet. All because their milk is brown and sweet.

“Now, these animals are the very first of their kind. It took decades of hard work and science for these cows to develop the chocolate milk you all know and love. But finally, we have it: cows that produce chocolate milk completely naturally.”

There’s some muttering at the back of the tour. A group of scientists is bunched together, scratching their heads and scribbling notes on their pads. They’re part of an organization that doesn’t believe in this ‘chocolate milk cow’. They think that the Chocolate Milkery is lying to their customers; they think that the chocolate milk is a lie.

“Let’s now proceed to the milking rooms. Here, you can see the chocolate milk cows produce chocolate milk in front of your own eyes!”

The kids crane their necks and stretch up taller. The scientists lean forward, pencils working overtime.

Final Comments: I regret writing this one in first person… It didn’t feel natural at all.

Overall Rating: 😣

Let me know your thoughts!