“The Chill”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Chill.
The Chill runs down my spine, cold and unforgiving. It betrays me, catches me right in the middle of my lie. It knows what I’ve done and what I mean to do before the thought has even crossed my mind. It sees into my soul and all of the horrors within.
Slowly, it creeps down my legs, leaving behind a trail of Goosebumps. A small yet powerful reminder of what I am about to do. A warning. The final one.
It reaches my feet and freezes there, waiting for me to make a move. Daring me.
I can’t give it the satisfaction.
As we wait, it grows. Cold travels back up my legs, up my spine, directly into my brain.
The Shiver. I’ve waited too long. I belong to the Chill now.
Final Comments: Honestly, I have no idea what genre this story is. My idea changed around a few times while I was writing…
Overall Rating: 😅

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Wow! Absolutely stellar writing!
Jezlyn Lang
Thanks!! 😊