Take Ten to Write

“The Celebrations of Detective Martin Biggum”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

“Welcome. I’ve been waiting for you…”

Detective Martin Biggum thought that he had the whole case wrapped up. He had found the murderer and the murder weapon. He knew the time and place of the murder. He could picture exactly how the murder played out.

He was so confident that he had solved the case that he had bought himself a raspberry-filled doughnut topped with rainbow sprinkles–his celebration doughnut. He had called his wife to tell her the good news and she had promised to cook his favourite beef stew when he got home. He had even informed his boss that he would be taking a week’s leave after he submitted the paperwork to finally go to Tokyo to visit his daughter who had moved there six months prior.

He was so confident that he had wrapped up all the loose ends that he had forgotten one very simple, small detail. A detail so small that anyone would have missed. Anyone, except for Martin Biggum. It was a detail that Martin Biggum would have normally remembered if he hadn’t been so busy thinking of the celebrations he had planned and the week-long vacation that he so desperately needed.

He had forgotten the notebook.

The notebook had been brought to his attention at the very beginning of the case. Of course, back then, the notebook hadn’t seemed to contain any useful information. It had been put with the rest of the evidence and that was that. Martin Biggum hadn’t thought of it since.

Which, as it turned out, was a mistake. Because that notebook happened to hold the key to the entire case.

And so, when Martin Biggum returned home that evening after finishing his raspberry-filled doughnut topped with rainbow sprinkles, he didn’t get the warm welcome and his favourite beef stew from his wife that he had expected.

Instead, he found himself face-to-face with the murderer.

Final Comments: This one was fun. It ended with another cliffhanger (sorry) but I really like how the plot turned out.

Overall Rating: 😏

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