Take Ten to Write

“The Calm Beneath the Storm”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Music prompt: “Open Future” by Mark Petrie & Andrew Prahlow

Everything is still slightly out of focus. The last few hours have been a complete haze of events and I’m having trouble clearing my mind to continue fighting.

I push myself up. As I stand, the wind buffets me, almost knocking me over again.

But I fight against it. I can’t give up now. My people need me.

With a shaking hand, I grasp the hilt of my sword. The world seems to slow down. Around me, my enemies charge. But they look as if they are moving at half speed. Their faces contort into ugly battle cries.

I stand still, calm and silent. I am ready. I have been preparing for this moment for my entire life.

A single bead of sweat tracks its way down my brow. I wipe it away with the back of my hand. I cannot be distracted. Not now.

The first man reaches me, his sword a silver flash as it descends. In a single, fluid movement, I draw my own blade and block his. A flash of sparks erupts as the metal meets. I release a roar as I shove him backwards. He stumbles away.

The world speeds up. I swirl and slash, a blur of steel and fury. These men destroyed my home. They attacked so many innocent people. And they will attack so many more.

Still, beneath my fury, I feel a calm. Calm like I’ve never felt before. I’m at peace with myself. I believe that we can win. That we will prevail over this darkness that is trying to claim our land.

As the mixture of emotions builds, I feel the Pulse rise inside me. I let a small smirk appear on my face as I push past enemy after enemy. I see the fear begin to grow on their faces. They know who I am. What I am.

I continue fighting my way through the army, my sword a simple extension of my own body.

The Pulse grows stronger. The heat builds. My vision clears.

The army scatters before me, the glow of my Pulse reflecting on their faces. They scramble away from me, hoping to escape my wrath.

But it’s too late for them. I drive my sword into the ground. I release my Pulse.

And the Earth shatters.

Final Comments: Fantasy!! This piece of music was incredible, and it immediately gave me a vision of exactly what I wanted to write. This one was probably one of my favourites to write so far!

Overall Rating: 😍

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