Guest Stories

“The Cake Garden”

This Take Ten to Write story was submitted by 10-year-old Mary. Happy reading!

There was once a beautiful forest surrounded with plants and leaves!

One day, The Cup-Cakelings, creatures that lived in a village called    Cakeville nearby decided to replant the old, well, what was once a forest. The Cup-Cakelings were all different types of cakes. Some looked like cupcakes and were blue. Some were red cake squares. Some were purple cake slices. Some looked like doughnuts and were pink. Some looked like macaroons but were green only. Some were yellow custards. They decided to come together to form a cake garden (a garden that grows cakes instead of plants and flowers). They found some Red Velvet Cupcake seeds, along with some Sweet Vanilla Baby Cake seeds, and began to plant them. Cup-Cakelings were planted (this is how they are born), so they were hoping to get more Cup-Cakelings out of the seeds. They also planted some Apple Cupcake seeds (though there were only four left), and planted some Yellow, Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Lemon, Confetti, and many more flavours of cake seeds too! They pulled the sun and rain clouds toward the cake seeds to grow them. The end results were no Cup-Cakelings :(, but lots of yummy desserts and treats for the Cup-Cakelings to share!

The End!

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