“The Bottom”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Write a story titled “The Bottom”.
Most people wish to be at The Top. They wish for money and power because they believe that only then will they be happy. The Top gives them all that.
Except for one tiny, little detail that very few people know about. The people at The Top can’t die.
Now, this may sound like a good thing. Immortality; who doesn’t want that?
I’ll tell you who: People with even a shred of common sense. Realistically, immortality would suck.
Okay, sure, there’s some perks to being immortal. Being able to surf on the wave of time and never worrying about running out of time would be awesome.
But I’m sure even then, life would become monotonous. And don’t even get me started on your loved ones.
Remember, only a select few are asked to join The Top. So when your significant other or parents or children don’t make the cut, what will you do then?
All that to say, why not just stay at The Bottom? Don’t even set your sights on The Top. Don’t even think about The Top. Just stay here, at The Bottom, where everything is much more realistic.
Of course there’s hard work and torrential rain and heartbreak and death. You might be dirt poor and starving most of the time.
But down here at The Bottom, I can guarantee that you’ll never be alone.
Final Comments: Somehow this turned into some sort of advertisement for The Bottom… Huh.
Overall Rating: 🤨

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