“The Birthday Card”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Card.
“Happy birthday, Zach!”
I almost have a heart attack as my friends and family leap out of their hiding spots. I clutch my chest laugh.
“Wow, guys, this is incredible,” I exclaim once I’ve caught my breath.
Gabrielle skips forward and jumps on me, wrapping her arms around my neck.
“Happy birthday, big brother,” she squeals, almost choking me.
“Thanks,” I rasp. “Gabby… can’t… breathe…”
“Oopsie, sorry,” she yelps, releasing me. “I’m just so excited that you’re finally here! Eddie told us that you almost didn’t come.”
“Hey, but I got him here eventually, didn’t I?” Eddie defends himself, stepping out from behind me. He turns to me with a huge smile. “Happy birthday, Z.”
He claps me on the shoulder before joining the rest of our family in the kitchen.
“Come on, everyone,” Dad calls from the kitchen. “Let’s party!”
He turns on the music at a blaring volume and starts wiggling his hips in what I’m sure he would call dancing. I roll my eyes, but finally succumb to laughter.
As I head into the party, I exchange greetings with everybody and thank them all from coming. I’ve almost reached the kitchen when I feel a hand on my shoulder.
“Hey, Zachy.”
I groan inwardly and turn around to face none other than Hanna.
“Hi, Hanna,” I say, trying to sound as polite as possible when talking to someone I used to love who then proceeded to cheat on me. “What are you doing here?”
She lets out a small gasp. “You don’t know?” She turns and pulls Eddie out of the crowd to join her. “Eddie and I are engaged!”
I stare at her. Then I stare at Eddie. Then I stare at her some more.
“You’re marrying my cousin?” I ask with disbelief.
Eddie looks extremely uncomfortable. I mean, I don’t blame him. I’ll bet he didn’t want me finding out that he popped the question to my ex-girlfriend.
Before either of them have a chance to answer, the familiar sound of the kitchen bell rings out. I turn around to see Mom standing with the bell in her hand, a wide grin on her face.
“I think it’s time to give Zachary our special present,” she says, barely able to contain her excitement.
I raise an eyebrow. Special present? From all of them? Now this I’ve got to see.
Gabrielle runs out of the room and returns a moment later with a giant piece of paper. No, it’s a card.
She hands it to me and exclaims, “This is from all of us. We hope you like it!”
I smile and look down at the massive birthday card. My nieces and nephews obviously decorated the front, which I immediately love.
I open the card carefully, trying not to let any of the glitter slide off the front. Inside, the words ‘Happy Birthday!’ take center stage, with everyone’s names and good wishes signed in smaller font all around.
I’m about to close the card when one signature in particular catches my eye. It’s written in deep red and it almost looks like the ink was dripping while it was being written.
I read it and my blood runs cold.
Happy birthday, Zachary. Enjoy your last few hours.
~ X
Final Comments: Okay, this one took a little more than ten minutes to finish… But I just had to get to the end!!
Overall Rating: 😏

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That was awesome. How you makes so many realistic characters in such a short scene, I will never know.
Jezlyn Lang
Aww thank you 😊