“The Bad Luck Cure”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
I’m not really sure how I became a consultant. Obviously, many people are consultants–it’s not really an uncommon job–but my specialty is what makes me stick out. That’s probably why you’re here today, right?
Yes, you came to me because I advertise my expertise with bad luck.
In your case, I believe that this little drink will solve all your problems. Yes, your bad luck is especially severe, which is why I’m recommending the deluxe care package. It’ll be an additional $2000, but it’ll all be worth it, right? Your bad luck will vanish, just like magic.
So, just sign here and this little potion is all yours.
Thank you so much for your business. Now, I’ll just hand you your purchase and you can go ahead and drink that right up.
Yes, you might feel a bit light-headed. That’s completely normal. An unfortunate side effect. Have a seat; the dizziness should disappear in a few moments.
But since you’re here, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. My recommendations? Yeah, they’re all nonsense. Oh, no, you’re not going to remember this conversation in a few minutes anyway.
The truth is, I’ve never experienced any bad luck before. I know absolutely nothing about what I recommend to clients, but everyone believes me, just because my job title is ‘consultant’. Pretty cool, right?
It’s incredible what some people will do to reverse their bad luck. I mean, look at what you just paid me. $5000 for what, a two-minute conversation and a little bottle of water? It’s a nice way to live, let me tell you. Never gets tiring or boring around here.
Oh yes, most of my clients threaten me when they hear me ‘confess’. But here’s the thing: that water contained a little special something to make sure that you won’t remember a thing. Other than, of course, your bad luck being miraculously cured. You’ll recommend my business to all your friends too, I’m sure.
Now, your headache should be just about gone by now. Do you need anything? A glass of water perhaps? No? Well, I’m glad to hear that you feel much more lucky now.
If there’s anything at all that I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me. After all, you know where to find me!
Alright, bye bye now. Have a fantastic day.
Final Comments: I promise I don’t actually con people in real life…
Overall Rating: 😈

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