Take Ten to Write

“Team Up On Jake Day”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

“Oh, come on, Jake,” Toby says, rolling his eyes, “don’t be such a scaredy-cat. It’s just a roller coaster.”

“But it’s so high!” I protest, wincing at the screams of the current riders as they plummet downward in an almost-freefall. “Yeah, I’m good down here, thank you very much.”

“Dude,” he says, looking me directly in the eye, “remember when you threw yourself off that cliff after Ellie last year?”

“I thought she was in danger!”

“Which still doesn’t explain why you jumped off after her. I mean no offense though, because it was seriously cool how naturally that Air Reaction came to you. Plus, that just goes to show that this roller coaster should be a piece of cake for you. It’s probably not even half the height of that cliff!”

“That was a one time thing! If I don’t have to subject myself to a pointless adrenaline rush, then I won’t.”

Ellie strolls up, casually munching on a ball of cotton candy that’s bigger than her head. “So Jake’s chickening out,” she states, giving me a knowing smirk.

“No,” Toby says at the same time as I say, “Yes.”

“We’re still discussing it,” Toby says, shooting me a hard look.

“Did you remind him about the cliff?” Ellie asks, tilting her head to analyze where to take her next bite of cotton candy.

“Yes,” Toby sighs. “He might just be a lost cause.”

“Who? Jake?” Of course Hanna decides to join us now. She wraps her arms through Toby’s and reaches up to give him a peck on the cheek. “I thought we came to that conclusion years ago.”

“Oh yay,” I mutter, rolling my eyes. “Looks like it’s Team Up On Jake Day again.”

“Let’s be real, bro,” Toby says, trying–and failing–to hold back a grin. “Every day is Team Up On Jake Day.”

Final Comments: Is it possible to write Fanfiction about your own stories…? And, yes, this is another excerpt from a WIP, and yes, I realize that I have way too many WIPs at the moment, but it’s just so fun to switch between them all! Also, I do really enjoy writing little sections like this that probably won’t make it into the actual novels; it’s fun, first of all, but I think it also helps me get more into the characterization, which will ultimately help me the real novels!

Overall Rating: 😋

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