Welcome to Take Ten to Write! Ten minutes of writing a day keeps the doctor away, right? At least, I think it’s something like that… Anyhow, every day, I’m going to post a randomized prompt on which I’ll spend ten minutes of writing. Keep a lookout for the story at 3PM EST on my website! Since this is a freewriting challenge, please be prepared for grammar errors, cliffhangers, and (inevitably) lots of weirdness!

Check out all my TTtW stories down below!

But wait… there’s more! I challenge you to join me and write for ten minutes every day. Create your own piece of writing based on the daily prompt that will be posted every morning. Remember, the point is to just write whatever you’re thinking about; it doesn’t have to be (and shouldn’t be) perfect! After the ten minutes are up, don’t forget to give your story a title and share your experience on social media with the hashtag #taketentowrite!

Happy writing!

Stories by Genre

Stories by Date