Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Write a story titled “Summer”.
Let me tell you a story. It’s about a little girl who believed that she could take over the world.
Now, we’re not talking about the standard world domination evil scientist crap. No, that’s been done so many times before. I’m talking about the real thing. Complete and utter world domination.
But getting back to the little girl. She always dreamed big and she knew that she wanted to be a doctor from the day she could speak. In fact, that was the first word out of her mouth. ‘Doctor.’
Truth be told, that right there should’ve probably raised a bit of a red flag for the parents. But they just believed that their daughter was a child prodigy and would grow up to become a very successful and very rich.
Her parents were right about all of the above.
The girl was, in fact, a child prodigy and became the first person in history to achieve her PhD before the age of ten. Unfortunately, due to laws and whatnot, she was forced to wait until she became of age to begin practising medicine. However, by that point, she had consumed just about every piece of literature pertaining to her field of study.
When she turned eighteen, she opened her own practise. She quickly became one of the most desired doctors in the world.
But then, one summer, everything changed. The Sickness arrived.
The world began to sink into madness. She struggled to stay afloat and to stay true to her own values.
It became too much for her. Her dreams of taking over the world changed. She no longer wanted to rule the world through love, but through pain and suffering.
That summer changed her. It changed everything.
Final Comments: I guess I just wanted to write something dystopian today so the prompt was kind of thrown in last minute…
Overall Rating: 😬

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"Not Today"
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