“Stuck in a Bucket”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Sometimes, I wonder how I landed here. Here meaning in a bucket with a bunch of mussels. I mean, I’m a snail, for crying out loud! I should be with the rest of my people, away from these hideous mussels!
Don’t get me wrong, I used to be best friends with a mussel. But then she got jealous about how fast I could move, and well, after a while, I just left her behind.
But then I kind of got a taste of my own medicine. My next best friend was a clown fish. And let me just say, I was totally out of my league. I mean, the guy could swim. It didn’t take long before he got bored of waiting for me and just took off.
I’ve been pretty alone ever since. Sure, I hung out with that clump of seaweed for a bit, but then it got eaten sea turtle and, well, that was that.
Ever since than, I’ve just been wandering aimlessly, searching for somewhere to call home.
That is, until I got stuck in this bucket with this bunch of stupid mussels.
Seriously, it’s like none of them even care that we’re getting carried to our deaths! Do they eve know where we’re headed? Because I sure do!
And I don’t like it one bit.
Final Comments: When I first saw this picture, I thought that it’d be a really fun story to write. But I got stuck really fast and had no idea what else to write…
Overall Rating: 😕

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