Take Ten to Write


Prompt: Love I’ve Been Jealous Of by Rachel Grae

I never thought that I’d find you.

And yet, somehow, here we are, lying side by side in the snow. Your eyes have that twinkle that means that you’re thinking of some mischief. It’s that same twinkle that first made me notice you. The twinkle and, or course, your subsequent decision to grab my hand and drag me up to the roof to point out the constellations to me.

Your fingers somehow find mine through our thick gloves. You squeeze my hand and whisper the names of the stars into my ear. I shiver and you press closer to my side, sharing your warmth with me.

Above us, snow begins to fall. They flutter to my eyelashes, my cheeks, my nose. You kiss each one as it lands. My eyelashes, my cheeks, my nose. And, finally, my lips.

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