Take Ten to Write


Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Photo prompt by Silas Tolles on Unsplash

Before you ask, no, I don’t know where I’m going. I’ve been driving for hours now, aimlessly swerving around trees and rocks. Yes, I know that I’m hopelessly lost, thank you very much. Honestly, I think that part of me wanted exactly this. To get lost. To get my mind off of everything that’s been happening.

I mean, inside, I know that it’s my fault that she left. You don’t need to keep repeating it, I already know. I know that I should’ve been there for her when she needed me. All I wanted was that stupid job. But of course I couldn’t have both.

The more I drive, the more I realize how amazing what we had was. I realize that I shouldn’t have ever needed anything more, that she was everything I ever could’ve dreamed of and more.

So then why wasn’t I satisfied?

You’re right; this drive is just a distraction. I know that you’re checking in on me to make sure that I’m still going to do my job. Well, I can assure you that I am. But you have to understand that what you’re asking me to do is… Well, it’s by far the most difficult thing I’ve ever been asked to do.

But again, you’re right; I do want this job. I want it more than anything else in the world. Even more than I want her, apparently.

I guess it’s time to stop stalling. I’ll give you back control of the vehicle and you can put her coordinates in. Yes, I have enough bullets, thank you. One will be enough.

Final Comments: This wasn’t going to be so dark, but the protag’s voice turned out really cold so I just went with that.

Overall Rating: 😳

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