“Spreading Rumours”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Katalikka had had the same feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach for the majority of the day. Whispers had been emerging of a Veiler who was using Lady Iza Trelling’s face; whispers that Katalikka, herself, had begun to spread herself due to Maverick’s prompting.
“It will help give you credibility,” he had said. “Only the most confident of Veilers spread such rumours. Trust me, I have done it often and it has always ended well.”
“But I’m not you,” Katalikka had argued. “I tend to prefer living in my own shoes rather than someone else’s.”
“And that, dear sister, is your greatest downfall.” Maverick had patted Katalikka on her head–which she still found quite demeaning–before nodding toward the crowd. “Now go out there and claim that a Veiler is using your face. Become Lady Iza Trelling in the eyes of the public.”
Katalikka had scowled, but had allowed herself to be pushed forward. Which was why she was now standing in the midst of the crowd, all asking her for details about her supposed identity thief.
“Where was this Veiler last seen?” “Are you positive it was a Veiler and not a Morphist?” “Why would they choose you, Lady Trelling?”
Even though Katalikka was not, in fact, the real Lady Trelling, that last question still dealt a blow to her ego. Still, she composed herself and held up her hands to silence the crowd.
“Please, please, be still,” she said, trying to keep her voice soft and proper as she had once heard Lady Iza Trelling speak. “I am afraid that I have no further news. This information has only been recently brought to my attention, though I do implore you all to convey any further news you may gather about this issue to me immediately.”
Without waiting for a response, Katalikka ducked her head and withdrew from the crowd, leaving them whispering among themselves once again.
As she walked quickly back toward Maverick, a hand reached out from the shadows and yanked her to the side. Before a scream could leave her lungs, a hand covered her mouth and she was spun around to meet the dark green eyes of a man.
“Iza,” he whispered, “I have finally found you, my love.”
Final Comments: I feel like my ideas are becoming clearer the more I write. It’s actually getting really exciting for me!
Overall Rating: 🤗

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