Take Ten to Write

“Spot of Green”

Prompt: “Cactus”.

I stare at the spot of green in front of me. A singular sharp spine pokes up from the top.

“What in the rotting apocalypse’s name is that?” Renn hisses, his head poking over my shoulder.

I crouch. The green thing stares back at me, its spike blowing in the wind like a lone hair.

“I… I don’t know,” I admit.

I reach out a tentative finger. Renn grabs my shoulder, yanking me back.

“Don’t touch it!” he says, a hint of panic worming through his voice. “Geez, Flo, you’ve lived for how many years on this death planet and you’re still stupid enough to touch unknown objects?”

I pull my finger back. As much as I hate to admit it, Renn’s right. It’s just… it’s green. Never, in my eighteen years on this “death planet” as Renn calls it, have I ever seen something green that wasn’t grown inside a grow-lab.

“What if it’s friendly?” I whisper.

Renn rolls his eyes. “Oh yeah, sure. What, are you going to ask ‘What if it’s alive?’ next? Come on, Flo, use your brain for once.”


Let me know your thoughts!