“Just a bit higher,” I urge Nyx.
I wrap my fingers in her mane as her wings beat methodically, carrying us above the clouds. A chorus of confused shouts behind us tells me that the Hunters have lost our trail.
But there’s no time to relax. Any second, they could burst above the clouds and see us plainly, a black-robed sorceress upon the back of a black pegasus. Not exactly inconspicuous among the white cotton around us.
The peak of Mount Keocir juts out in front of us. I guide Nyx toward the towering sheet of rock; hopefully there’s a cave we’ll be able to use to hide until the Hunters lose interest.
Light erupts before us. Golden wings spread and the eagle screeches. The Hunter on his back shouts, brandishing his sword at us.
Nyx skids to a halt, hooves pawing at the air and nostrils flaring as she stares down the eagle. I fix my eyes on the Hunter. He glares back.
And pales at the sight of the sunlight gathering at my raised fingertips.
I smile sweetly at him and lower my hand to blow him a kiss, unleashing the full force of the sun.

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