Take Ten to Write

“So Close…”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Music prompt: “Solar Energy” by PegasusMusicStudio

Arrows flew past her as she ran. She zigzagged around bodies and broken weapons, moving with certainty and grace. She had a mission to complete; failure was not an option.

An arrow struck her shoulder. Pain flooded through her body for a moment until the adrenaline took over. Gritting her teeth, she continued on.

A nearby explosion shook the ground. A boulder tumbled toward her, crushing everything and everyone in its path. With a scream, she doubled her pace and slammed directly into the boulder. A deafening crack rang out as she emerged, bloodied and bruised, from the between the two splintered halves of rock.

The arrows had ceased for a moment to let the boulder do their work. But the rock had failed, and so the arrows flew again.

One hit her leg, another her side. Her adrenaline was the only thing keeping her going. The only thing keeping her alive.

She could see her destination. It was almost within reach.

Her adrenaline faltered. She couldn’t take much more.

A flicker of movement. An arrow, flying straight at her.

She’d been so close. So close…

Final Comments: When I read this one back I realized that it was missing one major component: emotion. I’d somehow written it in such a way that it felt boring and flat. Ugh.

Overall Rating: 😖

Let me know your thoughts!