Take Ten to Write

“Siren Slayer”

Prompt: “Rework a classic fairy tale in a different genre (e.g., spooky Three Little Pigs)” ~ E.L. Stew

She sat in the window of the tower, idly tracing a finger through her hair. Her eyes fell closed as she rested the back of her head on the windowsill, humming a melody far too beautiful to have been from this world. A sigh fell from her lips as she smiled to herself, her fingers still tracing her glimmering golden locks. Everything about her drew me in, haunting me, enthralling me.

Or, rather, it would have, if I weren’t immune to such witchcraft. For far too long, these creatures have terrorized our kingdom. Even today, only a select few even know that they exist. Everyone else accuses the Cursed Woods themselves, and not who lies within. What lies within.

We call them Sirens. Angelic men and women who lure in wandering travelers with their songs and tragic tales. They feed on heroism, drawing the very soul from those who wish to save them.

Few have seen one and resisted their magnetic pull. Fewer still have seen one and lived. And only one has killed a Siren.


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