“Singing in Twilight”
This Take Ten to Write story was submitted by Bob. Happy reading!
Prompt: Write a story titled “Singing at Twilight”.
It was one of those evenings where the sky glowed with such a vibrant energy, you knew something magical was about to happen. I sat at the shore of the lake, watching the beautiful sun cast its final radiant glow as it slowly disappeared over the distant horizon; it’s orange and golden hues gradually being replaced with the magenta and navy wisps of the few glowing streaks of cloud formations to help with discerning the faint outlines of the tiny grey tree frogs, rising from the shadows in anticipation of their twilight mating choruses.
One starts. Then another. Soon, the evening silence is broken with the warbling and trilling from almost every direction. One lets out a high-pitched, almost electronic-sounding quiver. First a series of three slower trills, followed by a series of fast-paced ones.
On the opposite side, another responds. Could this be the mate? Can this loud cacophony of screaming and chanting be their true meaning of their sole existence? Can this be the path to finding one’s true soulmate? By bearing your soul for the world to hear, is this all that is needed to find the one person who can fill the emptiness in one’s life – the one person who truly understands your same beliefs and ideologies?
I decide to try. I sing out at the top of my lungs, embracing the inner love and rapture that I feel as the twilight glow envelopes me. Amazingly, a response from the distant shore…
“Shut up!”

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