“Since the Beginning of Time”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
To say that anyone at all within the seven Provinces knew exactly why the war had begun would be a complete and outright lie. The truth of the matter is that their histories have been long lost to human cruelty and misplaced passion.
However, I do say with great pride that I find myself unbound by the societal rules and expectations of the Provinces. I have, and always will be, an independent spirit. My mind and my thoughts shall always remain completely my own, something which those unfortunate members of the Provinces will never be able to claim.
Being unbound to the Provinces allows me freedoms other than simply my thoughts. My memories, for one, have remained untouched since the beginnings of life itself. I have watched the rises and falls of the Provinces. I have witnessed every possible horror imaginable, and yet, I have never witnessed anything such as this.
This war that we now find ourselves in is greater than anything I could have possibly imagined occurring. And to think that it all could have been avoided with the uttering of a single word…
Final Comments: A bit of a shorter section today. Felt like it was a natural ending point so I decided to just stop before I started rambling on about nothing.
Overall Rating: 😅

"Energy Poisoning"