“Silenced Night”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Her breathing was laboured as she knelt on the ground. She hadn’t had to fight in years. She was losing badly.
But she didn’t give up hope. She had sworn to herself a long time ago that she would never give up.
Muffled footsteps approached her as her attackers drew nearer. They smelt victory.
How wrong they were.
She waited until they were almost within reach. Then, she pounced.
The silver flash of her blade shot toward the closest man. It landed with a dull thud in his chest. He crumpled.
Within seconds, the blade had returned to her hand. The others were more wary now. They greatly outnumbered her, but her combination of speed and magic was dangerous.
Swiftly, she struck out again. Her blade transformed into a long, thin shaft as she moved. The sharp tip glinted in the moonlight as it lodged itself into its target.
The other attackers moved in while her back was turned. They jumped in unison with the timing only a well-practiced squad could muster.
Just before their blades pierced her body, she turned and slashed in a wide, circular motion.
More bodies fell.
Her blade flickered in her hand. Her magic was almost used up.
There was just one enemy left. The leader. Her nemesis.
They approached each other as equals, watching closely, moving slowly.
He struck first, his own magic full and ready. She jumped away from his elongated blade, watching as it shifted under his every command. The tip swerved toward her and she was forced to lift her own blade to block it.
She could feel her power draining from even the simple movement.
She pushed herself harder.
He struck again and again, draining her magic bit by bit. She was exhausted, almost fully spent.
He smirked. He knew that the fight would soon draw to a close.
A single downward stroke of his blade brought her to her knees. He raised his blade, prepared to deliver the final blow.
His eyes widened, his mouth agape in a silent cry. Slowly, he looked downward to see her blade protruding from his chest.
As he fell, she rose. She removed her blade and gazed down silently before turning and vanishing into the night.
Final Comments: I liked writing this one. It was very dramatic music, so of course there was going to be a very dramatic story to accompany it!
Overall Rating: 😉


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