“Sammel Lake”
Photo prompt by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Sammel Lake is, without a doubt, the most beautiful and peaceful place on Earth.
And trust me, I’ve travelled. I’ve been everywhere from the great Uranin Mountain Range to the luscious Valley of Ingaroth to the mysterious Mangnium Caves. Yet, none of them have come close to competing with the magnificence of Sammel Lake.
The water of the lake is clear and you’re always able to see right to the bottom, no matter what time of year it is. The grass along the borders of the water is bright green and soft; in fact, I’ve spent many an afternoon simply lying in the bed on greens and daydreaming as I look up at the clouds.
And, as if the lake in itself wasn’t enough, the Humnar Mountains are right beside it, projecting their towering presence onto the still body of water. The tips of the mountains are capped with a light dusting of snow, creating a stark contrast of pure white against the dark grey stone.
I’ve always wanted to climb Humnar Mountains, to be able to stand up top and gaze down over Sammel Lake. Perhaps someday, I’ll commit to making the climb. Until then, I am content spending my afternoons by the lakeside, staring up at the clouds and seeing all the magnificent stories held within.
Final Comments: Short and sweet! I’m finding more and more that writing imagery scenes is one of my weaknesses… So, I’m attempting to write more of these types of scenes rather than the action-centered ones for practice.
Overall Rating: 😮

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