“Rose Tea”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

I absentmindedly swirled the sugar around in my tea, creating a tiny whirlpool. I couldn’t drink my tea unless the sugar was completely dissolved.
I gently tapped my knife on the edge of my cup, enjoying the twinkling sound it made as it knocked against the porcelain. I was careful not to knock it too hard against the delicate cup; my spoon was dirty, and the next best thing I had available was my knife. No matter, it did the job just as well. I set my knife down on the table next to my cup before grasping the handle and taking the smallest of sips.
I could taste the tiniest hint of rose from the petals I had dropped in earlier as an experiment. Looking down into the cup, I could see the petals still swimming around, grasping at the surface, trying desperately to stay afloat. A single drop more and they would sink to the bottom.
I let out a contented sigh. It was turning out to be a perfect day so far. The sun was shining and my tea was exquisite. The day had only just begun; there was so much more left to do.
I took another sip before putting my glass back on its saucer. The rose petals had finally succumbed to the liquid and had drifted to the bottom.
I frowned. Yes, the flavour was there, but the appearance could have been better.
I turned to the vase on the table beside me and pulled out a rose. This one was pink, unlike the last, red one I had used. I brought the flower to my nose, inhaling the warm, earthy scent. My mind immediately relaxed.
As I brought the flower away from my face, I grasped at the petals. With a firm yank, the head flew off. I shook the head over my cup and the petals drifted down into the hot liquid, instantly shriveling to escape the heat.
I dropped the now-bare flower remains and picked up my knife to give my tea another stir. When I was finished, I brought the cup back up to my lips.
The taste of rose flowed over my tongue and I smiled with delight. Yes, this experiment was a success.
A quiet clatter drew my attention away and I sighed in annoyance. Duty called.
I put my cup to the side and uncrossed my legs before rising to my feet. I turned to look at the man I had caught stealing from my priceless collection of jewels. He was still trying to escape.
I strode toward him. The effects of the tea were wearing off and I could feel my fury returning.
“Now, to deal with you,” I snarled, raising my knife.
Final Comments: I think I need to work on not starting all my sentences with “I”… Otherwise, I think that this one was okay. It could’ve maybe used a few more subtle hints near the beginning for how the ending was going to go…
Overall Rating: 😲

"The It"

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