Take Ten to Write


Prompt: Giant eagle, grew up in captivity and just met a wild eagle.

Light. My vision is filled with it. Pure, bright light.

Voices. A bunch of them. Overlapping, but hushed, as if scared that I’ll spook.

Hands. They reach in, fingers outstretched on either side of me. I step away and my tail brushes the back of the box.

I hiss. I squawk. I screech. I bite. I claw.

Nothing works.

Firm fingers grasp me, tearing me from the safety of my box. My throat is hoarse from screaming. My wings ache from straining to break free.

Light. The world explodes with it.

Voices. They go silent.

Hands. They release me.

My wings spread, the wind catching beneath them. It carries me higher and higher and higher.

I angle back toward the ground, trying to get my bearings. My tree… it should be right there.

But it isn’t. There’s just a great expanse of land. No tree, no bushes, no nothing.

My home is gone.

Let me know your thoughts!