Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
As I lie under the stars, I feel the breeze ruffle the grass around me. I haven’t felt so at peace since before the Uprising.
That was five years ago.
Now, lying here, I feel something in my heart that I can only describe as pure bliss. My family is safe now.
It’s time for me to leave.
I slowly sit up, keeping my eyes on the stars above. On our ancestors. I will be joining them soon.
A smile spreads across my face as the wind picks up, the gusts sending my hair swirling around my face. I open my arms wide, welcoming the fresh air. I close my eyes.
It’s time.
My eyes snap open. The wind is a tumultuous vortex around me, ripping at my clothes. My hair lashes at my cheeks, but I feel no pain.
There is no pain. Not anymore. Only peace.
I raise my eyes upwards until I’m staring directly above me. A single star shines brighter than the rest.
Grandmother Yiamantra. My great-great-great-grandmother. The first Rosecaster. She is waiting for me.
The stars grow brighter. When it becomes unbearable, I squint against the light, shielding my eyes with my hands. The wind around me dies down before I remove my hands.
Before me stands Grandmother Yiamantra. She’s smiling at me, her expression as warm as the aura that surrounds her. Countless other glowing figures stand her who I recognize as my other ancestors. They all share the same gentle expression.
They’re all here to assist with my Transition.
Grandmother Yiamantra spreads her arms for me. Her smile spreads through me, sending warmth through every limb.
I step towards her and allow myself to be pulled into her embrace. When I close my eyes, peace fills me completely.
Grandmother Yiamantra pulls away from me slightly and looks deep into my eyes. It’s a question.
I nod.
I’m ready.
Final Comments: I really enjoyed the music prompt today. It seemed so peaceful and I knew right away what I wanted to write about.
Overall Rating: 🤗

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