Take Ten to Write

“Potionmasters Pt. 13”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Additional Note: While this story can be read by itself, it is a continuation of a previous Take Ten to Write story. Therefore, it would be beneficial to read the previous parts of the Potionmasters story which can be found here.

Photo prompt by Vincent Ledvina on Unsplash

Night’s fallen, and Berirn still isn’t back. I’m just finishing up cleaning the shop while Hidir is in the back, working on some order. We haven’t had any customers today–probably because it looks like the shop blew up once again–but Hidir told me that he’s gotten a ton of orders through our new mail service. Either that, or he just told me that so that I wouldn’t feel bad about making the shop look like a mess.

Honestly, I don’t know why Hidir keeps me around. Sometimes, I think that I should just quit so that I can stop being a burden on him. Then again, I don’t really have anywhere to go, and I know I’d kick myself if I let the chance to become a Potionmaster slip by.

Hidir pokes his head out from the back. “Are you almost finished?”

I nod, placing the last bottle on its shelf. “Done.”

“Good,” he says. “Go home.”

“But I haven’t helped you with these new orders.”

“Go home,” he repeats. “And don’t forget about that cat.”

A grin pulls at the corner of my mouth. “I know you like her!” I call after him as he disappears back into the room.

With a sigh, I collect my jacket and head out the door. I’ve probably caused Hidir enough trouble already, so I won’t bother him.

Anyway, he’s right; I need to find Berirn.

I call her name as I walk around the streets, but who am I kidding? She’s a cat, of course she’s not going to come when I call her.

Still, it’s strange that she just ran off like that. Usually, she’s attached to me. I think that this is the longest she’s ever been away from my side.

I pass Thrum on the street. “Hey, have you seen a cat coming this way?” I ask him.

He shakes his head and grunts in true Thrum fashion.

“Okay, thanks,” I say, giving him a wave as I continue on my way.

Maybe Berirn went straight home? Though it would amaze me if she were able to find her way home by herself since, again, she’s a cat.

A quiet scuffling catches my attention.

“Berirn?” I call.

The sound stops.

Immediately, I head toward the alleyway. Yes, it’s sketchy here, especially at this time of night, but if it’s Berirn she could be in danger. And it’s my duty as her owner and best friend to make sure that she’s safe.


Still nothing. Everything is pitch black.

I step forward and find myself falling. A scream tears itself from my throat as I tumble through the air.

Someone should really tell the builders that there’s a hole in the alley.

Bright light suddenly appears, blinding me. My voice runs dry, leaving my throat scratchy.

I hit the ground–at least, I assume it’s the ground–and the air is pushed from my lungs.

“Ow,” I mutter, rolling over, my eyes still tightly closed.

A soft mew comes from my left.


Slowly, I open my eyes and I gasp.

It’s beautiful here. Snow covers the ground and the trees. But the sky… The sky is spinning. I don’t know how else to describe it, other than captivating.

Something warm and soft rubs my legs. I look down to see Berirn purring as she wraps her tail around my fingers.

“Oh, Berirn,” I sigh with relief. I crouch down and scoop her up, cradling her in my arms. “Alright, well let’s see where you’ve brought us.”

Final Comments: I already know that there’s a lot of little details that I want to add in when I go back and edit this part. Still, it’s nice to be back at Potionmasters!

Overall Rating: 🥰

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