Take Ten to Write

“Polished Armour”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

“My lord?”

Vocksin turned to see the same page from before standing behind him.

“What?” Vocksin snapped, his fear translating into anger.

The page’s eyes widened and he stuttered, “M-my lord, the blacksmith is ready for you in the armory.”

Vocksin sighed and nodded, signaling for the page to lead the way. He followed the younger boy through the hallway to the large wooden door leading to the armory. The page pushed open the door before stepping aside, allowing Vocksin to pass.

He walked into the large weapon-filled room, gazing around at his unfamiliar surroundings. The prince tried his best to avoid this room, as he never really found the need for a weapon. While Tandrim always carried a broadsword on his belt, Vocksin preferred carrying a small pan flute.

Weaponsmaster Uggel was waiting for Vocksin inside the armory. He was a great, hulking man with a large beard and a short temper whom Vocksin tried to avoid at all costs.

“Welcome, my lord,” Uggel said, his voice holding the slightest bit of contempt. “Your sword has been prepared for you.”

He held out a long blade contained in a fine leather sheath with intricate patterns carved into it. Vocksin nodded curtly at the weaponsmaster before accepting the weapon, holding it awkwardly as if it were a newborn baby. Uggel rolled his eyes slightly and Vocksin blushed a deep red.

He snapped, “Weaponsmaster, you would do well to remember your place.”

Uggel nodded slightly, though he knew that he still intimidated Vocksin more than the prince would let on.

“My lord, your armour is being polished as we speak,” Uggel continued. “It should be ready in a few moments.” He shuffled into the back room whose entrance was covered by a drape.

Vocksin let out a huff of annoyance; he hated to be kept waiting.

Finally, Uggel returned, holding a shining suit of armour complete with a heavily detailed helmet. Vocksin groaned; he hated wearing the helmet. It made his head feel heavy and sluggish.

Vocksin begrudgingly allowed Uggel to dress him in the heavy armour. As soon as he was fully dressed, Vocksin stalked out of the armory without a word to Uggel, the page on his heels. He strode directly to the stables where his horse, Embar, was already fully saddled and bridled. He mounted and rode out of the stables, almost trampling the page who had been helping him the whole morning.

Final Comments: Yes, I’m still trying to figure out Vocksin’s personality. I feel like it’ll come with time, so you can probably expect more Vocksin sections in the future!

Overall Rating: 🤔

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