“Planet-Saving Cookies”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: “Blueberry jam sandwich cookie.” — suggested by Mary
“They want what?!”
“Blueberry jam sandwich cookies,” I repeat, still panting from having ran up the thirty flights of stairs to my superior’s office.
Of course, the term ‘superior’ should be used loosely, since Head Officer Garble is pretty much a joke. He’s fifteen hundred years younger than me and was only promoted because he’s the former Head Officer’s son. The system is corrupt, trust me.
But I’m getting carried away. Back to the issue at hand…
“They want the Miller’s brand ones too,” I add. “Not the Razer’s and definitely not the Ocraa’s. They made that quite clear.”
Garble continues pacing in front of me. I can tell that a tantrum is fast approaching.
I put my protective ear plugs into my ears. Right on cue, Garble starts screaming. He stomps around his office, throwing stuff everywhere and yelling what I assume is not safe for children to hear. I stay in the corner, standing at attention and only half paying attention to what Garble is doing.
I find my thoughts drifting. The game last night was superb. Obviously, the Galiars won, but I was surprised at how much of a fight the Hattikans put up. Maybe the Hatts have a shot at next year’s finals, but my loyalties will always lie with the Gals.
I’m brought back to the present by Garble snapping his fingers in front of my face. I remove my ear plugs and look at him expectantly.
“Get those darn aliens what they want,” Garble grumbles before returning to slouch at his now-empty desk.
“Yes, sir, right away, sir,” I reply, wincing inwardly at each ‘sir’.
I turn to leave his office to fetch the cookies. Maybe after they have what they want, the humans will be more inclined to help us save our planet. Come to think of it, these cookies might be the difference between peace and global destruction.
I start running.
Final Comments: This one was fun! I’m not sure I liked the sports interlude because it might’ve broken the flow of the story. I also think that the protagonist’s characterization might’ve been a bit messy. Still, writing sci-fi is always exciting!
Overall Rating: 😛
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