Take Ten to Write

“Pink Star”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: Write a story titled “Pink Star”.

A single bright light against the darkness of the night. I watch as it approaches me, the brightness almost becoming unbearable, before it screeches to a halt in front of me.

“Auntie Zola, did I do alright?” my niece asks, bounding up and down before me.

I chuckle and bend down to pat her on the head. “Yes, Jia, you did great.”

Jia glows even brighter and her aura starts to change. The colour starts shifting from its usual pale yellow into a bright pink. I let out a small gasp and back away slightly.

Jia stares at me. “What’s wrong, Auntie Zola?” she asks, the innocence in her voice almost unbearable in the face of what I’m witnessing.

“Jia, honey, don’t move,” I say slowly, still backing away. “You’re going to be alright. Just keep watching me. Keep your eyes on me.”

The concern on Jia’s face grows and her eyes start widening. I glance down and see that her pink light is reflecting in my own glow. Her expression turns to horror and she looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

“Help me,” she whispers, her voice soft and pleading. “Please, Auntie Zola, don’t let them take me away.”

I can only watch helplessly as Jia’s pink light attracts the attention of others around us. She looks around in panic as she begins to be surrounded.

“Aunie Zola!” she cries, her voice shrill. “Please! Do something!”

My heart aches. I want to do something, more htan anything. I wish I could help my niece. But the law is excruciatingly clear: No one may help a Pink Star. Because Pink Stars are the most dangerous of any kind. Because Pink Stars destroy Starshine, the universe’s most powerful source of energy.

“Auntie Zola!”

I squeeze my eyes shut and try to block Jia’s frantic pleas for help. I’ve already been given a warning by the Supreme Starlord. If I should bend the law again…

Yet, this is my niece. I’m the only family she’s got left. If I don’t do anything, no one will.

I take a deep breath and my eyes snap open. I have to help her. I promised Jia’s parents that I would watch their little girl. And I never break my promises.

Final Comments: I’ll admit that this one was a bit weird to write. I wrote the first sentence before realizing that I wanted to make the characters literal stars. I’m not crazy about this one, but it was still interesting to make up something on the spot.

Overall Rating: 😕

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