Take Ten to Write

“Paper Crane”

The paper crane sits on my open palm. Its wings are bent, helping hold it upright. The beak is slightly crooked; I adjust it with a quick twist.

Now, finally, it’s perfect. It’s ready.

I cup my hand and place it over my palm, completely encasing the paper crane. Closing my eyes, I whisper the enchantment.

Immediately, I feel a flutter between my palms. I open my hands and see the paper crane looking up at me. The folds of paper crinkle as it stretches one wing, then the other.

I suck in a breath, inhaling the sweet scent of magic, and blow over the crane. Feathers begin to form.

One more breath, and the little bird is finished. It chirps up at me, fluttering its wings. I tap its beak, then raise my palm, letting it hop onto my shoulder.

I grab another piece of paper. It’s time to make my bird a friend.

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