“Panic in the Market”
Screams echo around the market. The guards’ metal armour clangs with their every step, adding to the chaos of noise.
People knock me left and right. Something catches on the fabric of my scarf, pulling it tight around my throat. A quick slash of my knife frees me and I watch the glittering pink material disappear into the crowd. I scowl; I just bought that scarf.
I spin and am miraculously able to spot Trest standing on top of a crate beside a trampled stall.
“Get us out of here!” he shouts, his wide eyes darting to the guards and back to me.
I steel myself against the panicked crowd and focus on the ground. The stones beneath my feet are packed deep into the earth, their surfaces smooth from countless boots stomping over them each day.
Gritting my teeth, I crouch. I’m almost immediately knocked off my feet by a firm kick. Once again, my knife saves me. Its blade sinks deep into the ground between the stones, anchoring me.
The metal clanging of armour draws nearer. I yank my knife from the ground and begin scraping patterns into the stones. The Otherworld’s blue light emanates from the blade’s deep gouges.
Trestor and a guard appear beside me at the exact moment I finish the last symbol. The guard sneers. The portal opens.
I meet Trestor’s eyes. He draws his sword and gives me a grim nod.
“Go,” he says, and pushes me into the Otherworld.