“Painting Preparation”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: An artist’s career always begins tomorrow.” — James Whistler
Paintbrush? Check. Palette? Check. Paint? Check. Easel? Check. Canvas? Check. Water? Check.
I arrange everything neatly around me.
The paintbrushes are first. I order them according to bristle size, from largest to smallest, from left to right.
Next is my palette. I pick it up and scratch of a tiny dot of paint that’s leftover from last time. After all, I can’t have any old paint contaminating my new colours and messing up the whole painting.
I take care of my actual paint next. The small tubes are new–I just picked them up yesterday–so they sit perfectly flat next to each other. In the package, they were already arranged in a rainbow pattern. I don’t try to rearrange them, but carefully slide them out of the package and line them up next to my paintbrushes.
I set up my easel next. I slowly fold out each leg and then use my phone to check that it’s level. I also make sure that it isn’t wobbling in the slightest. One leg seems slightly shorter, so I add a small piece of paper underneath. It doesn’t wobble anymore. Perfect.
Next is the all-important canvas. I rip off the plastic covering and gently place it onto my easel. Once again, I make sure that it’s level and that it doesn’t wobble. Luckily, it doesn’t.
Satisfied with my progress so far, I move onto the last step: getting some water. I take my usual glass and walk to the kitchen. I fill it up almost to the brim with clear tap water before returning to my painting nook. Careful not to spill any onto my work area, I put the cup down.
I sit back and look around at what I’ve accomplished. Yes, everything is set up perfectly. I’m ready to paint now.
If only I actually knew what to paint.
Final Comments: I really don’t like the list-like nature of this story…
Overall Rating: 😐

"How It Ends"
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