Take Ten to Write

“Over the Edge”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: Cherries.

“Come on! You’re taking forever!”

I scowl up at Taylor. She pulls on our stem impatiently.

“I’m coming, geez,” I mutter, carefully climbing up the slippery slope.

Taylor can be a bit overly enthusiastic and reckless sometimes. I mean, I never would’ve even considered going on an adventure over the Edge if she hadn’t insisted.

She’s always had this idea that there’s something grand and mysterious beyond the Edge. Honestly, the only reason I’m going with her is to prove her wrong. I mean, it’s not possible for there to be something beyond the Edge, right? It’s literally called the Edge!

My foot slips and I go tumbling back down the slope. Taylor just barely catches me by hanging onto our stem.

She grunts from the effort of holding me up. My heart pounds as I reach up to grab our stem before it detaches. I’ve heard horror stories of stems detaching before, and I have no idea what I’d do if that ever happened to Taylor and me.

“Hurry up, Tyler!” Taylor shouts. “I’m starting to slip!”

I dig in my toes and somehow manage to scratch my way up to join Taylor. We both pause and take a deep breath together as our hearts stop pounding so fast.

“Glad you could make it,” Taylor says jokingly, rolling over to stand up again.

“Thanks,” I say sarcastically. “Now, can we please just get this over with?”

Excitement lights up her eyes as she pulls me along. “Yes! Let’s go!”

I stare over the Edge. The world just looks black and empty beyond it.

Still, I let Taylor take my hand and together, we jump over the Edge.

Final Comments: This one was a bit weird…

Overall Rating: 😂

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