Take Ten to Write

“Our Special Place”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Music Prompt: “Hearts on Fire” by ILLENIUM and Dabin ft. Lights

After all these years, it’s hard being back here. I remember every little detail from that first night. Just like I remember every little detail from that last night.

That first night was incredible. You were such a gentleman, so kind and funny. I remember quite distinctly laughing so hard that my stomach hurt. You knew exactly what to say to make me yours.

You held the door and offered me your jacket. You let me choose all the music and offered me your hand to dance in the middle of the night.

Everything was perfect. You were perfect. I believed with all my heart that you were the one for me.

How did it all fall apart so quickly?

That last night… You completely shattered my heart.

What could’ve possibly possessed you to bring her here? To our special place?

I saw you, completely by chance. You were holding her hand and making her laugh. You held the door for her and offered her your jacket. You let her choose the music and offered her your hand to dance in the middle of the night.

That last night, I saw everything. I saw you.

And yet, my heart still aches for you whenever I return to our special place.

Final Comments: I really liked this song!

Overall Rating: 😢

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