Take Ten to Write

“Our Fountain”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Music prompt: “Run Back to You” by Hoang ft. Alisa

We ran through the streets together, hand in hand, blindly weaving through bicycles and pedestrians. No one else mattered. It was just you and me racing through the streets of Paris.

Finally, you stopped in front of a beautiful fountain. You turned to me, eyes shining, a smile playing on your lips. You put a hand under my chin so that I would look up into your eyes.

I was totally entranced, so deeply, hopelessly in love with you.

In front of that fountain, our fountain, you promised me the world. You promised that you would always be by my side, that you would always be there for me. You promised that we would spend forever together, that this was just the beginning of a beautiful life. Our beautiful life.

Now, standing in front of our fountain, your ghost haunts me. I can still feel your hand in mine, still hear your voice tickling my ear. I can still see your eyes, reflecting the fountain’s water.

I sit down heavily by the edge of the fountain. I watch our future pass me by. Newly-weds, children, elderly couples. Everything we never had.

And all I have left of you is our memories by our fountain.

Final Comments: I found the wording for this one really hard. I think I was trying to find the perfect words for the scene, but that usually doesn’t work with first drafts…

Overall Rating: 😥

Let me know your thoughts!