Take Ten to Write

“Not Alone”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Music prompt: “Hereafter” by Secession Studios

The spirits are restless. I can feel them, drifting through the darkness, voicing their regrets and fears.

I should have never come here. My life gives them strength. My energy lets them feed.

Their voices grow louder as they drain my strength.

Don’t send us back there…

No, not there…

Not the darkness…

Anywhere but there…

Help us…


Their cries echo around me, getting louder and louder. Their pain becomes my pain. Their fear becomes my fear. Their desperation becomes my desperation.

I cover my ears to block out their pleas, but it’s no use. Their voices speak inside my head. There’s no escape.

They have been wronged.

I have been wronged.

They fear the darkness.

I fear the darkness.

They are alone.

I am alone.

But we are not alone.

Final Comments: I didn’t really intend for the story to end like this, but I think that it’s kind of fun.

Overall Rating: 😮

Let me know your thoughts!