“No Regrets”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: “I’m not sorry.”
Additional note: This story is a continuation from yesterday’s Take Ten to Write story titled Not Today.
I can do this. I know I can.
It’s been six months since he’s been gone. Exactly six months. I’ve held on to all of his belongings since then, from his clothing to his shampoo and, of course, his blanket.
But six months changes a person. It changed me. It changed his belongings.
His scent has faded, leaving these objects of simple painful reminders of what we had once had.
It’s time now to move on. I don’t need these toxic reminders in my life anymore. It’s time for me to become my own person, no longer weighted down by the heavy presence of his things.
So, this morning, I gathered all of his stuff. His clothing. His shampoo. His blanket. Even his smoothie blender that I’ve been using pretty consistently to drown my feelings.
I packed everything into a box. Then, I wrapped the entire box with duct tape, leaving no cardboard exposed. I didn’t want to risk my weak heart backing out of this and tearing the box back open. No, I had to resort to extreme measures. Namely, using out two entire rolls of duct tape.
Now, here I am. Standing at a donation box with the duct tape-covered box in my arms.
I take a deep breath. It’s time to let go. I need to do this.
Slowly, I put the box on the ground. Then, I stand up and turn, not looking at the box. I start walking.
With each step, I feel lighter.
I feel free. Finally, after six long months of pain and suffering and an endless amount of ice cream, I’m free.
And, for the first time in those six months, I have no regrets.
Final Comments: I feel like yesterday’s story deserved some closure, and I really enjoyed writing it.
Overall Rating: 😊

"Not Today"

"Just Speculation"
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