Prompt: “Wizard lizard.” ~ suggested by Lexi

Light cuts through the darkness. My eyes sting, unused to the sudden brightness.

“Get up.”

The barked order makes me flinch. Instinctively, my body recoils from the door as the key scrapes in the lock.

Rough hands grab me, holding me still even while I kick and scream. Rope is tightened around my wrists. A dirty rag is thrust into my mouth.

I’m not even given the option to walk by myself; the guard lifts me and slings me over his shoulder as if I weigh nothing.

I try to kick again, and my bare feet are met with metal. Pain shoots up my legs and a whimper escapes around the cloth between my teeth.

“Quiet,” the guard grunts, giving me a shake for good measure.

I focus on trying to keep track of his steps, though I’m almost certain he walks in circles just to confuse me. After a while, I give up. It’s clear that I’d never have a chance of escaping anyway.

Finally, the guard stops. Without warning, he lets me go. I land on the hard stone, the back of my head slamming against the ground with a crack.

“Ouch,” a shrill voice says from somewhere on my left. “That looks like it hurt.”

Quiet footsteps echo around me. Some sort of creature crawls onto my chest. Movement on my chest. Up my neck. A face appears above me.

Red fills my vision at the sight of my captor. He raises a hand, a flame appearing in his palm.

“So,” the lizard says, his tongue flicking out to graze my nose as he speaks, “you are the thief who has been stealing my amulets.”

Jezlyn Lang

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