“No Escape”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
prompt suggested by Bob
“Please, say something. Anything. I’m begging you.”
“I have nothing to say to you. Nothing. Leave me alone.”
“I need you. Please.”
“Go away.”
“Come on, I apologized. I told you that I had nothing to do with it anymore. I threw it away. It’s no longer part of our life.”
“You say that, but I know you. You lie, that’s all you do. You lie, and cheat, and hurt everyone you say you care about.”
“I do care about you. You have to believe me.”
“I did want to believe you. But then you lied to me. Again, and again, and again.”
“No, I didn’t lie to you. You just didn’t understand what I was trying to tell you.”
“Oh, yes, putting the blame on me again. Ha, it’s the same circle over and over again. You lie, but somehow, it’s my fault.”
“Yes! Wait, no. No, no, it’s not your fault. You’re not listening to me again.”
“See? There it is again! It’s always my fault. You never take the blame!”
“I’ve taken the blame before. No really, I have!”
“No, I’ve had enough. Leave me alone. You’re not worthy of my time.”
“What? You’re so high and mighty now that I don’t deserve your time? How dare you speak to me like that?”
“How dare I? No, how dare you?! I used to believe in you, to trust you, but you took that trust and threw it in the garbage like it wasn’t worth anything to you. No, you need to leave. Now.”
“Me? Leave? Yeah, right. And just how do you think you’re going to get rid of me?”
“Yeah, that’s what I though. Kind of hard to get rid of the other half of your consciousness, isn’t it?”
Final Comments: Ooh plot twist! Maybe. I’m not sure how good my execution of this was, but I did have a lot of fun just sprouting nonsense…
Overall Rating: 😳

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Hahaha! Love the end 🥰
Jezlyn Lang
I’m glad you liked it ☺️