“Nicholas Schiltzher”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
The first time I saw him was on the train. We were both headed to Seattle. He had gotten on an hour before I had and had changed seatmates several times already.
As soon as I sat down, I knew that I was in for an interesting ride.
Nicholas Schiltzher. Explorer, traveller, man of mystery, master of disguise…
My seatmate for the next five hours.
First, we began talking about our professions. Straight off the bat, Nick informed me that he was a secret agent on a mission to bring down a dangerous group of people. Of course, I didn’t believe him, because what type of secret agent would straight out tell everyone that they’re a secret agent?
Anyway, next we talked about our hometowns. He said that he was from a tiny little town in Florida called Honeycake Town. Obviously this is a made-up town, so I didn’t believe him. Yet, he proceeded to tell me all about his strange traditions and such that they celebrated in his town.
But he wasn’t done yet, oh no, no. In fact, he was just getting started.
His next topic was the farms in Honeycake Town. Yeah, apparently the farms in the town are known for attracting an unusual number of aliens. Yes, you heard that right, aliens. Apparently Honeycake Town farms attract so many aliens because of their lime-green barns; the barns in Honeycake Town aren’t the normal red, they’re neon green. He even showed me pictures to prove his point!
Then, suddenly, he leaped to his feet. He whipped out a huge butterfly net from somewhere–I think it was collapsible or something–and went running after this other guy on the train wearing a purple shirt with a star pattern. Just before he left, he yelled, “I’ve got you now, Captain Zargonaut!”
Unfortunately, as I said earlier, that was only the first time I saw Nicholas Schiltzher.
Final Comments: So apparently this story just became a bunch of rambling… I’m honestly not mad about it.
Overall Rating: 🤔

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